When you are out of cash, you are out of business. It doesn't matter if your profits are great if you cannot convert those profits into cash. We regularly see businesses making a very good profit on paper go bankrupt because they do not have the cash to pay their bills.
If you can't pay your power bill or payroll today, it doesn't matter how profitable your business is or will be in the future. Unless you have the cash, you are out of business!
You must be proactive. It is your money, after all. Know how much is owed to you and don't be afraid to go after it.
The following are a couple of articles on cash flow management that you may find interesting:
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
What Can the Small Business Development Center Do for You and Your Business? Part 2
We have had another client put something up on YouTube and thought you would like to see it. If we can be of any assistance to you or your business, please feel free to call.
The following YouTube video is from Terry Harris, owner and founder of Rubber Wholesalers. We have been working with him and his business for years. We hope we have contributed, in a small way, to his continuing success. Thanks Terry for the nice things you said!
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